Cat Emergency Survival Kit

Cat Survival Kit
Price $55
This Cat Emergency Disaster Survival Kit is packaged in a Backpack designed to provide your Cat with the necessary items to survive if you are ever forced to evacuate. By owning this emergency survival kit, you will have peace of mind knowing your can provide for your Cat in any type of disaster.

This Cat Emergency Disaster Survival kit contains the following:

Emergency Food and Water:
Package of Emergency Cat Food
1 - 3 Pack of Aqua Blox
10 Water Purification Tablets

Light and Communication:
12 Hour Emergency Bright Sticks

Shelter and Warmth:
1 – 16 Hour Hand Warmer
Mylar Emergency Blanket

First Aid:
47 Piece Pet First Aid Kit

Tools and Cat Supplies:
Water/Food Feeding Bowl
Extra Collar
Reflective Leash
Can Opener
Cat Toys
Nylon Rope
50 – Pet Waste Bags

Emergency Survival Kit Information:
This survival kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency preparedness industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit preparedness organizations.

Family Storehouse
Family Storehouse                               Updated 7/11/2012

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